42% of Smokers Will Quit Smoking with E-Cigs

A recent survey that took place in America has revealed some fascinating facts about vaping and how it fits into the task of trying to quit smoking. Does it make it easier for people to quit for good? According to the results, it would seem this is indeed the case.

The study was conducted by the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health of the University of California in San Diego. It took place across a two-year period and explored how successful smokers were in quitting with or without the use of e-cigarettes.

According to the results, smokers have a 42% quit rate when they use electronic cigarettes to help them quit the habit. This is far better than using standard nicotine replacement therapy (12 times better, apparently). Ironically, despite the results of the survey, America views electronic cigarettes as a tobacco product. This means they are not viewed as a confirmed and recognised aid to help people stop smoking.

The study also found that a huge 85% of smokers had tried vaping the last time they attempted to quit smoking. People seem to try and quit more often with the help of electronic cigarettes than is the case with other replacement therapies that have already been approved.

This is all very encouraging, and it does beg the question why the American government is not considering introducing e-cigs into their approved range of nicotine replacement therapies. While people can buy and use them, it would surely be better to get them with recognised medical support and advice. If this occurred, it may potentially make it even easier for people to quit smoking. By contrast, smokers in the UK will find the NHS does mention e-cigs as a possible method to help them quit the habit.

It seems as if quitting feels easier when you have e-cigs to fall back on. Vaping has helped many people quit smoking – sometimes people who have failed to do so in the past without making vaping part of their efforts. With over a third of smokers in the study using vaping to help them quit in their most recent attempt, shouldn’t the government do everything they can to support these individuals further?

What’s your opinion on this? Have you used vaping to help you quit when you failed in the past? Do you think the US government should be more supportive to vapers?