The Guardian on vaping

Vaping is not proven  to be healthy however they’re not as harmful or dangerous as tobacco reports The Guardian on 23rd February 2015.

A report by Linda Bauld , Professor of Health Policy at the University of Stirling and Deputy Director of the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, was published by The Guardian on vaping. 
“There is no proof to date that vaping is as dangerous as tobacco. This is one of the underlying facts.”
Smoking tobacco will shorten lives by on average 10 years, further, secondary smoke particles exhaled contain tar particles and some toxic gases that can affect those in the near vacinity.
It has been acknowledged by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Association that e-cigarettes are safer than continued tobacco smoking. This is a fact and one that is supported by tobacco control organisations in the UK. To state otherwise is false.
The Guardian on vaping continued with :
“This does not mean e-cigarettes are risk free, but few things are. What it does mean is that their use is safer than continued smoking.”

Is Liquid Nicotine safe?

Liquid nicotine comes from the same tobacco leaf and the main danger today is if the packaging is not child safe. However let us not forget that there are many poisons in our everyday household products.

The Guardian on vaping continued with some interesting fact from US:  there were 2.6 million calls to poison control centres in 2013 and 0.06% of these related to nicotine products including e-liquids.  We do agree that these e-liquids need to be safely packaged and clearly labelled, and users need to keep these products away from children.

Should it be banned in public places?

One fact to consider here is that vaping vapour is not the same as second hand smoke. It is not smoke, it is vapour and there is no good evidence that exposure is harmful to bystanders (particularly outside, as in NHS grounds). Let us not state otherwise.
We believe it is not long before an electronic cigarette (or equivalent)  will be licensed as a cessation device- then such public bans will be unworkable.
What we don’t want now is to discourage smokers from trying a device that could stop them from smoking….reports The Guardian on vaping in their February 23rd article.