Please note deliveries and queries will now be handled by our Glasgow office - please call Graeme on 07711 359692 if you wish to place an order over the phone - or have any other query.

Vape in public Places

Smoke in Pubs, Cars, Clubs, Cafe's and Public Spaces

Smoke in Pubs - Legally! Matchless Electronic Cigarettes are allowed in Pubs & Clubs, Company Cars and Lorries, in Cafe's and Restaurants, in Offices and Warehouses.

Public Houses

Public Houses Remember when you could smoke in a pub? now you can with a Matchless electronic cigarette. You may want to check out the Campaign for Vaping in Pubs website:

Company Cars

Company Cars Matchless enables you to use an electronic cigarette and leave no smell or mess behind. This includes Taxi drivers who can use them legally whilst in their cabs

Company Lorries & Vans

Company Lorries & Vans Matchless enables you to smoke an electronic cigarette and leave no smell or mess behind.


Nightclubs No more hassles getting a pass out to enjoy a smoke if you use a Matchless electronic cigarette.


Cafes Many smokers like to relax with a coffee and a cigarette. Now you can at your favourite café with Matchless

Golf Courses

Golf Course/Clubs Smoke in the clubhouse or between shots without having to put out your cigarette – take one or two puffs and carry on with your game.

Office and Call Centres

Offices and Call Centres Smoke without annoying your co-workers or bosses as you will not need to sneak away for a fag break.

factories & Warehouses

Factories & Warehouses You may well be able to enjoy a break using a Matchless on the shop floor, subject to health and safety policy.

Sports & Hobbies

Sports and Hobbies Use a Matchless electronic cigarette when playing snooker, pool, darts, bowling, at a gym or even playing bingo or at the amusement arcade


Travel Use Matchless on many trains, buses, ships and aircraft subject to individual co. policy (e-cigs are not permitted by some airlines, it is always best to check before using)


Accommodation Use Matchless electronic cigarettes in hotel rooms