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Vape Shops Rated Healthy by Royal Society

Would you say shops selling vaping supplies are good or bad for health? The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) has come down firmly on the positive side of things, following a report into how healthy shops were in the UK. They produced the report by assessing the various types of shops throughout the country. They also gave each shop type a Richter Scale Score, determining how good or bad it was for health.

The score for each type of outlet was a plus or minus number. So, leisure centres factored with a +7 score as the healthiest outlets. Meanwhile, high-cost credit outlets ranked at a -4 score as the unhealthiest outlets.

Where did vape shops come in the scoring?

Leisure centres and health services came top of the list, with pharmacies, health clubs, libraries, and museums coming next. Then it was the turn of vape shops, which were given a score of +3 on the list – well above many other types of shop. Indeed, they came top of all the shops that sold goods rather than services.

The report pointed out that the number of vapers in the UK has soared over the past few years. In 2012, there were only around 700,000 vapers – a figure that has now soared to 3 million this year.

It is no surprise then to learn that vape shops have doubled in numbers in the past three years alone, rising from 1,000 outlets to 2,000. The report was keen to point out that no one can be certain of the likely long-term effects of vaping. However, it has been found to be far safer than smoking, owing to the absence of many of the harmful substances found in the average cigarette.

An encouraging report

Given the RSPH report highlights many harmful shops on our high streets (fast food outlets among them), it is encouraging to find out how they rated vape shops. Many people have managed to quit smoking since the vaping alternative was made available. Having high street vape shops available in many locations has made it more accessible for more people to give it a try.

With around 19% of adults smoking, the accessibility offered by these shops has a strong effect on public health. Are you pleased at the outcome of the report? Do you think vape shops are a positive in our high streets today?

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MPs Suggest Dedicated Areas for Vapers

A recent report published by the Science and Technology Committee, going into detail on vaping and its role in helping people quit smoking, was debated in Parliament recently. The report had concluded that electronic cigarettes were not being given the respect they deserve in their role as a potential tool for helping people quit smoking.

The committee is part of the government. The report explored the possible role vaping could play in helping people give up smoking. It was derived from several sessions held earlier in 2018, where evidence was heard from various sources. It concluded that electronic cigarettes are assessed to be some 95% safer than regular tobacco cigarettes.

Where can vapers use their e-cigs?

This is a question that crops up even among vapers themselves. There is some uncertainty and vagueness over the areas where vaping is permitted or banned. Furthermore, the report indicated that work needed to be done to identify safe areas where people could freely use their electronic cigarettes.

This was highlighted in the debate among MPs as well. The main issue was that in some instances, vapers were told to use their devices in smoking areas. This is daft, to put it mildly – as one committee member pointed out, it is akin to telling an alcoholic to spend time in a pub and not drink. Perhaps worse – since vapers will inhale the very cigarette smoke they are trying to avoid.

Providing a dedicated location to vape in

At present, many vapers end up using the smoking areas already provided for those who smoke. However, the consensus among MPs was that a dedicated area should be set aside for them. This would keep them away from those who are smoking, keeping them on track to quit.

While some people realise vaping is a far safer solution compared to smoking, many still do not understand the differences between them. Hence why some buildings and businesses are lumping everyone together. This can only do harm in future, as more people may consider trying to quit smoking via this method.

The UK is way ahead of several other countries when it comes to supporting those who vape. However, the report from the Science and Technology Committee shows that work still needs to be done to continue this.

Where do you vape when out and about or at work? Have you experienced problems or shared spaces with smokers? Leave your thoughts below.

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California Rejects Vaping Ban – Again

Some people in California have been trying very hard to ban vaping. It’s not a new thing, either. State legislators have been attempting to ban people from using electronic cigarettes in state parks and on beaches in the state for three years now.

This year, as was the case in 2017 and the year before that, they failed once again. Good news for vapers, who were targeted by the proposed bill alongside smokers and marijuana users. The idea was to make it against the law to do those three things in those locations. Anyone caught vaping (or smoking tobacco products or marijuana) in state parks or on beaches would have incurred a proposed $25 fine. The bill was roundly rejected this time, just as it was on the previous two occasions.

Great news for vapers. Governor Jerry Brown was against the proposals, saying that, ‘my opinion on the matter has not changed.’ Vapers will be glad of that. It also means there is likely to be less chance of such a ban coming into force in the future.

Perhaps most concerning though is the fact vapers were put in the same category as those smoking tobacco. This has been a concern for a while now, with blanket bans on both habits in many public spaces. Vaping has consistently been proven to be far safer for health than smoking. Many smokers have been able to quit the habit by switching to vaping. Trying to ban it only works against the aim to provide safer alternatives for those interested in switching.

What are your thoughts on this proposed ban? Do you think legislators will try again next year? What would you do if vaping was eventually banned in these locations? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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Will Vaping Stain Your Teeth?

Dental plaque is perhaps one of the lesser-known (and less concerning) side effects of smoking. The habit is also known to cause people’s teeth to turn yellow. Not the most pleasant look, and the more you smoke, the faster the discoloration will occur.

But what about vaping? If you quit smoking and switch to vaping instead, does that discoloration still occur?

Is tar responsible for staining teeth?

Several studies have come to this conclusion. Since tar isn’t present in electronic cigarettes, vapers can rest easy knowing their e-cigs won’t harm their teeth the same way cigarettes would.

While vaping products do still contain tobacco and other elements, studies have demonstrated staining is far less noticeable in vapers. While stains may appear in some, they are minimal.

How was testing done to come to this conclusion?

Believe it or not, cattle teeth were used. The teeth had saliva added and two weeks later, once a protein film had formed (much as it does in humans), the testing began. Some of the teeth were exposed to cigarette smoke, while others were exposed to vapour from an e-cigarette.

Not surprisingly, teeth exposed to smoke from the cigarettes began to stain in just a day or so. We know tooth enamel is damaged by smoking – something this test proved. In contrast, the teeth exposed to vaping had little staining, some with no staining at all.

The condition of your teeth is perhaps not as high on the list of reasons to quit smoking as other elements, such as the increased risk of cancer. However, it may provide smokers with yet another reason to switch to vaping. It is certainly encouraging news.

Are you concerned about your teeth and how they are affected by smoking? Have you switched to vaping and seen an improvement in your dental health? Let us know in the comments below.

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China Hit with US Tariffs on Vaping Products

Vaping in America isn’t as easy as it is in selected other countries around the world (such as the UK, for example). Now comes news of yet another change in regulations that will hit US vapers.

Take note of the date, 23rd August 2018. That was the day when new vape tariffs brought in by the Trump administration came into play. These have been applied to vaping products brought into the US from China. The tariffs consist of a new tax of 25% on vaping products. The tax covers electronic cigarettes, the batteries that power them, and similar items.

What’s the idea behind the new tariff?

The principle is simple enough to understand. Let’s say you have a choice of purchasing a US-made electronic cigarette or one that was made in China and imported into the US for sale. The US-made version wouldn’t be subjected to the new 25% tariff. The Chinese one, meanwhile, would be slapped with the new 25% tax.

That 25% will make a hefty difference to the likely price that will eventually be charged for the Chinese version of the e-cig or similar device. The idea is that American-made vaping devices will be cheaper and more appealing to businesses selling them. The price will also likely be more appealing to US vapers wanting to buy a new electronic cigarette.

Therefore, the import tax will make US-made vaping devices far cheaper and more economically attractive, and hopefully bigger sellers too. That sounds great for US-based businesses… however, it doesn’t tell the full story.

Could there be higher prices for US vapers to pay in future?

This could well happen as an unlikely consequence of what might initially seem a good idea. As Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, pointed out, the US production of vaping products is hardly significant. With most vaping products coming into the country from China and elsewhere, vapers throughout America are likely to see a rise in prices.

This probably won’t happen straightaway. However, once existing stock is sold, and US businesses look to China for their next imports, the additional costs will undoubtedly come into play. Some products already have a small profit margin. Trying to absorb the new tax will eat into most if not all that margin. It is clear prices will increase, hitting the American consumer in the pocket.

Those consumers are also likely to suffer if vape shops end up closing because the owners cannot survive, whether that is through lower profit margins or customers who will not pay the new prices. There are always cheaper alternatives, including online vape shops.

But surely only part of the vape product line is affected?

True – for now. The new tariffs only apply to specific items. But more tariffs are being brought in soon as well, targeting other vaping products. And if prices rise across the board, American consumers may think twice about switching from smoking to vaping. Currently, there is a lot of money to be saved from that switch, aside from the positive health implications. If these new tariffs begin to close that gap, wiping out some small businesses in the process, health could suffer just as much as the US vaping industry.

What do you think about the new tariffs coming in against Chinese vaping products? If you live in the US, how are you going to be affected by the new prices? Could they prompt you to forget vaping altogether, if you are still considering whether to make the switch? Please leave your comments on this topic below.

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Can You Vape at a Premier League Game?

August marked the beginning of the 2018-19 Premier League season in English football. For many, it marks the beginning of supporting their team through nine months of dramatic matches against other teams in the league. The current season will end next May.

While many people are content to watch matches on television, some agree there is nothing better than being there to watch the action live. If you do that, you need to be sure to observe all the rules and regulations in place in the grounds. That means being aware of the strict rules on vaping, too.

Can you vape while watching your favourite team?

In a word… no. All Premier League grounds have banned vaping. You are allowed to vape outside the grounds before you enter, but once you are inside you cannot leave until the match is over. If you do decide to leave the grounds to enjoy a sneaky vape, don’t expect to be allowed back in again. Once you’re in, you’re in – and vaping must wait until your team has won or lost.

You may think that latter rule is silly. However, if they did allow people to leave and then return, there would be people going in and out constantly. That would have implications for health and safety and for security.

Can you vape discreetly while on the grounds?

You can try, but we wouldn’t recommend it. If you are found vaping anywhere in the grounds of a Premier League stadium, you will be ejected. There is also a chance a season ticket holder may end up having their ticket confiscated. This happened to one vaper who decided to try his luck vaping while in the grounds of Manchester City’s stadium in 2013.

Since smoking is obviously banned, it makes sense in this instance to ban vaping as well. Could you tell from a distance whether a fan was smoking or vaping? Furthermore, huge clouds of vapour emitted from vaping fans throughout a stadium would look awful… not to mention being hard to see through. We think the no-vape rule makes sense and we cannot see it changing anytime soon.

Do you agree with the blanket ban on vaping inside Premier League grounds? Would you prefer to see a more relaxed approach to vaping, perhaps within the grounds but not on the terraces? You can share your thoughts on this below.

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Malia Obama Seen Vaping

Malia Obama grew up in the public eye. She is the eldest of the two daughters of former US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Born in 1998, she was still only 10 when her father was sworn in for his first term as President. As such, she and her younger sister Sasha became well known throughout America and beyond.

While the attention on Malia and the rest of the family has understandably receded since January 20th, 2017, when President Obama left office, they are still capable of pulling some headlines. You might think that applies more to the ex-President and his wife than the girls. However, Malia created some headlines of her own recently when she was spotted vaping while out and about in London.

She was snapped enjoying an electronic cigarette while on a night out with her boyfriend in London. Yes, London – her boyfriend, Rory Farquharson, is from the UK. Malia is about to resume her studies at Harvard, no less, so she was clearly enjoying some downtime before the serious work began. Perhaps more surprising was the huge fuss made over the fact she was vaping. We wonder whether the headlines would have been bigger still if she was spotted smoking?

Enjoying the relative freedom of London

Some reports pointed out Malia was probably enjoying the fact she could vape without fear of being fined or hassled in London. The vaping laws are stricter in the US, so 20-year-old Malia will be unable to legally buy her vaping supplies once she returns to Harvard. The state of Massachusetts will only allow over 21s to make such a purchase.

Barack Obama had trouble trying to quit smoking when he got the top job. He eventually used gum to help him quit, since e-cigs weren’t around when he became President. It’s unclear whether Malia is vaping to quit smoking, but if she is, we congratulate her. No doubt she has noticed how much easier it is to vape in the UK as opposed to the US. State laws can vary from one place to the next in America – something we don’t need to worry about here.

What are your thoughts on Malia being snapped vaping? Is it a good thing that might encourage smokers to make the switch, or do you believe she is a private person who should be left alone? Let us know your thoughts below.

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Blanket Ban on Vaping Coming to Delhi

If you are planning on visiting Delhi, India soon, you might want to check out the legality of vaping before you go. The Directorate General of Health Services has indicated it intends to ban vaping and associated products. The move is said to have been based on e-liquids contravening the Drugs and Cosmetics Act in India, since they contain nicotine.

This is a surprising move, especially since more evidence is coming in that confirms vaping and vaping products are a safer alternative to smoking. It has been proven time and again that more people quit smoking by switching to vaping than by going it alone. It is uncertain why the DGHS has adopted this stance. However, they state that the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act of 2003 doesn’t cover e-liquids containing nicotine.

The possible ban has not yet come into force. However, the argument will be given its day in court on 21st August 2018. We shall be waiting to see the outcome of that hearing – as, no doubt, will many other Indian consumers who indulge in vaping.

Not all countries are as forward-thinking as others when it comes to vaping. Some have been open and supportive towards vaping as a safer alternative to smoking (the UK being a prime example). Others, such as India and even the US, have been quite the opposite. Things are changing in the US, where health bodies now seem unable to continue their stance of being anti-vaping. However, those in India appear to be pushing for a blanket ban that could harm many Indians who wish to use electronic cigarettes to help them quit smoking.

What are your thoughts on the change in stance in Delhi? Do you think the ban will go through? Let us know in the comments.

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